DM (Donna) Hanton, Writer
DM (Donna) Hanton, Writer
DM (Donna) Hanton, Writer

DM (Donna) Hanton, Writer

Love To Hatred Turned

23 stories

A modern, stylized chess board with the king piece knocked over and the title ‘Love To Hatred Turned’.
DM (Donna) Hanton, Writer

DM (Donna) Hanton, Writer

Weekend in Arles: A Short Fiction Serial

6 stories

Close up of the facade of Le Cafe la Nuit in Arles, France, made famous in a painting by Van Gogh
Black and white image of a group of people on a city street. The image is distorted and the people are blurred, making it seem surreal
DM (Donna) Hanton, Writer

DM (Donna) Hanton, Writer

My Short Fiction

3 stories

A huge wave crashes against a harbour wall with a small lighthouse
DM (Donna) Hanton, Writer

DM (Donna) Hanton, Writer

Life... in General

3 stories

quote graphic featuring a verse from To A Mouse by Robert Burns
Image shows a large yellow umbrella with the words ‘Merde il pleut’ (shit, it’s raining) on it.
A woman stares out at the sunrise view of a boulevard by the water’s edge, a lighthouse in the distance.
DM (Donna) Hanton, Writer

DM (Donna) Hanton, Writer

Writing Life

6 stories

quote graphic featuring a verse from To A Mouse by Robert Burns
The keys, some worn, of an antique typewriter in shades of purple.
The picture shows a classroom full of empty desks and chairs, awaiting the students.
DM (Donna) Hanton, Writer

DM (Donna) Hanton, Writer

Aging Artfully

2 stories

DM (Donna) Hanton, Writer

DM (Donna) Hanton, Writer

Fiction Favourites I've Read

3 stories

The image is full of open books, waiting to be read
A book sits open on a window ledge, with a view of a building and trees beyond.
DM (Donna) Hanton, Writer

DM (Donna) Hanton, Writer

Friend of Medium

Hi, I’m Donna. Fiction Writer. My current WIP is domestic suspense, titled Love to Hatred Turned. I post about writing, life — all the stuff, really!