
Labour Day

A haiku

Point Holmes, British Columbia, Canada, Labour Day 2023, taken by the author

Sun still shines brightly

But the wind now has teeth that

Will gnaw bones ’til spring.

Today, Labour Day 2024 was another warm sunny day, just as it was last year. A day to take time for a walk along the beach. But again I noticed today, as I did a year ago, that the breeze has a nip to it. A message, whispered low for now, that summer is ending.

I’m good with that — fall is my favourite season. The cooling temperatures give me back my life, plus I get to indulge my obsession with soup!

Welcome, September.



DM (Donna) Hanton, Writer

Hi, I’m Donna. Fiction Writer. My current WIP is domestic suspense, titled Love to Hatred Turned. I post about writing, life — all the stuff, really!